
Hey. My name is Has. I’m very friendly, I like to meet new people in my life. Especially I like to meet new «personalities»...

In december I will be 17. Last year I met a guy who was also born on my birthday, at the same time, in the same year, in the same hospital.

Since childhood I loved to try myself in different "professions". When I was little I went to dance classes, swimming, figure skating, singing, skating, I did a little photoshoots... At 13 went to volleyball. 

I like self-development. I never went to art classes, but I draw great. Here are my best works.

I love skateboarding so much. This is so cool. Ik. Skate is half of my life. We are not separable. 

I have skate since 2013. At first it was for my brother. But I fell in love w/ this board. I can do different tricks. I ride on big roads. If there was a skatepark in Armenia, I would never leave this place.

All the classes that I attended seemed to me «not nativе». But always everywhere I have reached the highest. Because I’m a very purposeful girl. I never give up! I learned on my own to play w/.the  piano. 
I like to learn different languages. In grade 3, I began to learn English and French simultaneously. I am currently studying Turkish, English and Georgian. But until I decided who I want to become. Over the past year I become a photomodel. Photographers wrote to me that I have beautiful facial features and this chance should not be let go. And when I decided to advertise their clothes, 9 more photographers wrote to me. I was shocked because I never thought of becoming a model or a photomodel. lI hated my nose until a photographer appeared and said “baby I love your nose”. I became confident! I began to love my shortcomings, because they make us special! 
This is my fav photos👇


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