Drugs are poison to humans. Who is engaged in drugs, that belongs to the criminal case. For many years people and the police have been struggling with drug lords, with drugs, but by this time they have not yet been overfished.
Drugs have a lot of types. Known of them as: cocaine-heroin with added white powder, chemical composition. These are herbal drugs like: hemp, anash, marijuana...
The consequence of drugs is different. But if you take cocaine or heroin, then within 5-7 years the human brain and cells die off, and then it becomes (as they say) like an animal and behaves the same way. If you take drugs like cannabis, marijuana, anasha, then a person will be smoking, he starts laughing heavily without rearrangement and deteriorates the lungs 2 times faster than a regular cigarette. Typically, drug addicts gather in groups of 3-4 people to take drugs. Because if the addict takes the drugs himself, then usually and almost always overdo and die on the spot.
Why do people take drugs? I think that people with the help of drugs expect to cheer up or relax, and this gradually leads to the fact that they become addicted to a terrible "potion". It seems to me that drug addicts are people with no future, they think only of a drug that destroys their brain, lungs, and liver, and their thoughts about it take strength and intelligence.
Many adolescents try a drug in a company that gives children something that sometimes neither family nor school can give: emotional support, approval, a sense of security and acceptance. In their environment, it is believed that smoking and poking are cool. But you need to have self-confidence, independent thinking, fortitude, to oppose this environment. Any girl will think if she knows that she will have to humiliate herself daily for a dose before every dirty scum on the market. Any boy will want to live at the last moment, but it will be too late. Addicts ruin not only their lives and health, they are capable of any crime, including murder, just to get the drug.
People who are addicted to drugs or simply try them once, do unthinkable things, they kill themselves.
But I personally feel like a drug. In my opinion, life is one and you can do whatever you want. Yes, it is unhealthy... But this is all the buzz...
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