Summary on Filipino and Drunkard
This story was about a guy, who was drunk and a boy who couldn’t tolerate the drunkard’s behaviour and proceedings.
The drunkard started to swore at women not thinkind before doing it. When he saw Filipino,he told him not to stand among the white people.If he hadn’t been drunk noone would have noticed him,but as he was drunk,he was in center of attention.
Suddenly one boy came. He wasn’t saying anything and trying his best to be as decent as possible. When the big door opened,the young Filipino moved swiftly among the people. He reached the boat before anyone else. He ran to a corner,sat down for a moment and then began looking for a more hidden place. At the other hand of the boat was the drunkard. When he heard the man swearing,he looked about a place to hide and rushed into lavatory.
The drunkard entered the lavatory and began asking others if they had been that boy.Headded that he was a real American and had been wounded twice in War. Lastly he came to compartment and saw the boy there. The drunkard began to pound on the door. The boy got angry and said that he didn’t want to kill anybody in his life,but at that time he wanted to kill the drunkard.
The boy threw the door open and tried to rush beyond the man,the knife tight in his first,but the drunkard csught him and drew him back. Then the boy again thrusted the knife into the side of the drunkard.When the drunkard could no longer hold him and had fallen to the floor,the boy rushed from the room. The boy ran to the front of the boat, then to a corner. There was no place to go and before the officers of the boat arrived,he suddenly stopped and began to shout at the people.
At last the boy said that he didn’t want to hurt him,but as he was drunk and wanted to choke him,the boy didn’t have a choice .
To sum up,I would like to say that the boy was wrong and whatever happened he wouldn’t have done such a bad thing. In that case the drunkard was swearing and didn’t letting the boy to leave. The drunkard was also wrong will all his proceedings,but in my opinion the boy shouldn’t kill him.
William Saroyan

At the age of three, after his father’s death, Saroyan, along with his brother and sister, was placed in an orphanage in Oakland.Five years later, the family reunited in Fresno, where his mother, Takuhi, had already secured work at a cannery. He continued his education on his own, supporting himself with jobs, such as working as an office manager for the San Francisco Telegraph Company.
Saroyan decided to become a writer after his mother showed him some of his father’s writings. A few of his early short articles were published in Overland Monthly. His first stories appeared in the 1930s.Among these was «The Broken Wheel».
An Armenian American, Saroyan wrote extensively about the Armenian immigrant life in California. Many of his stories and plays are set in his native Fresno. Some of his best-known works are The Time of Your Life, My Name Is Aram and My Heart’s in the Highlands.
In 1943, Saroyan married actress Carol Marcus,with whom he had two children, Aram, who became an author and published a book about his father, and Lucy, who became an actress.By the late 1940s, Saroyan’s drinking end up their marriage and they divorced.
In 1943 he won the Academy Award for Best Story for the film adaptation of his novel The Human Comedy.Also in 2013 Parajanov-Vartanov Institute Award posthumously honored William Saroyan for The Time of Your life play and the Human Comedy novel and was presented to his granddaughter by Academy Award-winning Hollywood actor Jon Voight.
He has been described in a Dickinson College news release as «one of the most prominent literary figures of the mid-20th century.
Saroyan died in Fresno, of prostate cancer at the age of 72. Half of his ashes were buried in California and the remainder in Armenia at the Komitas Pantheon.
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